EMS FYI August 23, 2019

August 23, 2019
All information falls under the latest revision for the EMS Protocols: 11-15-2018
On Tuesday August 20th, Fire Chief Mark Schollmeyer, Assistant Chief Orlando Dominguez, and the Office of EMS met with Emergency Department representatives from Health First Hospitals, Steward Medical Group, & Parrish Medical Center. During the meeting, attendees discussed topics such as; Communication, New Equipment & Protocol, Community Paramedic, Resuscitation Academy, Patient Care Outcomes, TFD Transporting, SOP/Ordinances and more. These meetings are held quarterly, with the next one being scheduled in November. The Office of EMS is grateful for the partnerships we have with all of the hospitals! 

On Thursday August 22nd, Fabiola Mundo, Laurie Blaire and EMS Chief Dominguez attended the Medicaid Managed Care for Emergency Medical Services hosted by the Florida Fire Chiefs Association. The event took place at Valencia Community College. The Medicaid program consists of EMS transport agencies being able to recoup some EMS service expenses through reimbursements by Managed Care Organizations.

On Friday August 23rd, Chief Dominguez (pictured with JACHO Representative) participated in the Parrish Medical Center’s Stroke Accreditation conducted by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JACHO) site visit. Chief Dominguez presented: Protocols, Stroke Assessments (FAST and VAN), Blood Draws, Stroke training and Stroke transports.

We have a new member of our Finance Team, Jesus Padron. The lovely ladies in the Finance Office hosted a coffee bar on Wednesday and served up all kinds of caffeinated goodness! If you are up at FRC, stop in to say hello and welcome Jesus.
Please don't forget to read and post at your station!
If you are unable to see reports listed as incomplete, adjust the date range for your search and that should expand the search.  Set the date range from 4/2/2018-8/23/2019 and select the status as “Draft, Mobile”.

RA Updates

From March 9, 2019 to present day (post RA/tone), there have been a total of 22 cardiac arrests in unincorporated Brevard.
“From the time of collapse, a cardiac arrest patient has only a 600 second window of survival.”
If you are interested in working either of the upcoming OT special events below please contact staffing to reserve your spot.

Event: WWE NXT Wrestling

Date: Friday, September 21, 2019

Event Location: Melbourne Auditorium 625 E Hibiscus Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901

Hours: 1730-2300 (Crew to pick up unit at 1730 and be in place at event by 1830)

Crew: 1 Paramedic/1 EMT (or PM) (Dedicated)

As a follow-up on the Hepatitis A post from a previous FYI, Brevard has been listed as a critically impacted county by the Florida Department of Health. Other listed counties critically impacted are: Citrus, Glades, Hernando, Hillsborough, Lake, Liberty, Manatee, Marion, Martin, Okeechobee, Orange, Pasco, Pinellas, Sumter, Taylor, and Volusia. Hepatitis A case counts for 2019 thus far have already surpassed those in 2018. From January 1, 2019 through July 27, 2019, 2,034 hepatitis A cases were reported, 91 of those being in Brevard.

If you have any questions or have something you would like shared, please contact Mark Weiss by phone at 321-633-2056, 321-266-5334 or by email at Mark.Weiss@brevardfl.gov
EMS Statistics
From 8/16/2019–8/22/2019, BCFREMS responded to:
Trauma Calls-259
Medical Calls-822
Motor Vehicle Crashes-134
ALS Transports-597
BLS Transports-369
Total Responses-1,446

911 Calls to Dispatch- 2,309

PulsePoint CPR Alerts- 2

Mobile Integrated Health Activities- 5

We Want to Hear from You

Please let us know if you:
        Have a question that can benefit the department
        Have an interesting case to share
        Want to recognize someone for providing excellent customer service
        Just want to share some information that’s coming to your area

If you have any questions about the above topics, please refer them to the EMS Office (FR_EMSQandA@brevardcounty.us) and we will provide an answer for you.
Email your questions/comments to FR_EMSQandA
For more updates on what’s happening in EMS, visit BCFR EMS Twitter Site @BCFREMS, FaceBook Page, or YouTube Videos
Promoting a Culture of EMS:
Ensure mutual respect and kindness when engaging with stakeholders
Meet and exceed stakeholder expectations
Support a “Culture of Quality”
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