EMS FYI August 30, 2019

August 30, 2019
All information falls under the latest revision for the EMS Protocols: 11-15-2018
Hurricane Dorian
The Office of EMS wants to make sure you prepare for the hurricane before it arrives. For helpful tips on hurricane preparedness, please visit www.fema.gov/disaster/4339/hurricane-preparedness.
And if you would like to receive Emergency Alerts in your area, follow this link for instructions: www.brevardfl.gov/EmergencyManagement/Home

On Thursday August 22nd at the 11th Annual Valor Awards hosted by The Melbourne Regional Commerce, Lt. Michael Benton, FM John Shurger, former EVD Nikki Kelly, EVD Karen Holley & EVD Lance Pendergrass (not pictured) were recipients of the Life Saving Medal for a call they were involved in on Thanksgiving Day last year (previously spotlighted in FYI). Congratulations to you all!

On Tuesday August 27th, Chief Orlando Dominguez, Dr. McPherson & Stephanie Cotton went out to the Brevard Zoo to meet with them about their new Venomous Snake Exhibit set to open later this year. They went over creating a new protocol on how to respond to a possible snake bite and using the anti-venom.

Station 44 crew with their patient from last weeks spotlight. He went to visit with the crew on Saturday and brought them lunch to show his appreciation.

Moving forward, if you run a call at the Palm Point Behavioral Health Center in Titusville, we have it flagged in our CAD to request Law Enforcement for your safety.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us in the EMS Office.

If you are interested in the outcome of a patient,
please reach out to any one of us here in the EMS Office!

Susan L’Argent susan.largent@brevardfl.gov      321-350-9760

Stephanie Cotton stephanie.cotton@brevardfl.gov     321-350-9759

Jennifer McFadden Jennifer.mcfadden@brevardfl.gov     321-350-9761

Ebonie Williams ebonie.williams@brevardfl.gov    321-350-9772

RA Updates

“From the time of collapse, a cardiac arrest patient has only a 600 second window of survival.”
If you are interested in working either of the upcoming OT special events below please contact staffing to reserve your spot.

Event: WWE NXT Wrestling

Date: Friday, September 21, 2019

Event Location: Melbourne Auditorium 625 E Hibiscus Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901

Hours: 1730-2300 (Crew to pick up unit at 1730 and be in place at event by 1830)

Crew: 1 Paramedic/1 EMT (or PM) (Dedicated)

Here are six tips for preventing infections in the aftermath of a hurricane from the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology.
If you have any questions or have something you would like shared, please contact Mark Weiss by phone at 321-633-2056, 321-266-5334 or by email at Mark.Weiss@brevardfl.gov
EMS Statistics
From 8/23/2019–8/29/2019, BCFREMS responded to:

Trauma Calls-262
Medical Calls-819
Motor Vehicle Crashes-162
ALS Transports-583
BLS Transports-375
Total Responses-1,489

911 Calls to Dispatch- 2,435

PulsePoint CPR Alerts- 4

Mobile Integrated Health Activities- 4

We Want to Hear from You

Please let us know if you:
  •         Have a question that can benefit the department
  •         Have an interesting case to share
  •         Want to recognize someone for providing excellent customer service
  •         Just want to share some information that’s coming to your area

If you have any questions about the above topics, please refer them to the EMS Office (FR_EMSQandA@brevardcounty.us) and we will provide an answer for you.
Email your questions/comments to FR_EMSQandA
For more updates on what’s happening in EMS, visit BCFR EMS Twitter Site @BCFREMS, FaceBook Page, or YouTube Videos
Promoting a Culture of EMS:
Ensure mutual respect and kindness when engaging with stakeholders
Meet and exceed stakeholder expectations
Support a “Culture of Quality”
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