EMS FYI July 19, 2019

July 19, 2019
All information falls under the latest revision for the EMS Protocols: 11-15-2018
On Saturday July 13th, Mark Weiss visited the Brevard Association for the Advancement of the Blind in Satellite Beach to discuss the importance of hurricane preparedness and to promote our Vials of Life program.

On Tuesday July 16th & Thursday July 18th Ocean Rescue’s Chief Eisen Witcher & Assistant Chief Derek Swor attended a huge recruiting event held by the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners at Career Source Brevard. Also in attendance was Dispatch, along with several other County Departments. For more information on Jobs and Jobs Events please visit https://bit.ly/2zRyNZF  or call Human Resources at (321) 633-2031.

Today, July 19, we had a “Very Patriotic Luncheon” here at FRC to celebrate birthdays from January through July. Thank you Chief Neterer for providing the grill and Chief Schollmeyer for providing the Grill Master skills and everyone else for all of the yummy food! Happy belated birthday to all J

The algorithms that are published by the American Heart Association are an excellent way to learn the basics of ACLS, PALS, and BLS, but they do not always reflect what takes place in a real code. Patients in distress do not always follow just one algorithm. More often, a patient will transition through a number of states that compromise cardiovascular function. This means that the basic and advanced life support provider must have a working knowledge of all of the algorithms and be able to switch between them based on the patient’s changing needs. Follow the link below to test your skills with some free megacode simulators.

Each year the Valor Awards honor local public safety & military personnel (Sheriff, Police, Fire, Rescue, and Military) in the greater Melbourne region for acts above and beyond the call of duty.
Multiple awards are presented to personnel, nominated by their respective Chiefs and Commanders, for putting themselves in harm's way to protect the citizens of our community.
Valor Awards are presented in 4 categories (only 3 applicable to our department):

 If you would like to make a suggestion for a nomination, please email me at Susan.Largent@brevardfl.gov no later than 5:00pm on Tuesday July 23rd. 

Event: Tour de Turtles (Sea Turtle Release)

Date: Sunday, July 28, 2019

Event Location: Barrier Island Sanctuary, 8385 S. Highway A1A, Melbourne Beach, Florida 32951

Hours: 0630-0930

Crew: Non-Dedicated (E65)

If you are interested in working either of the upcoming OT special events below please contact staffing to reserve your spot.
Event: WWE NXT Wrestling
Date: Friday, August 2, 2019
Event Location:
Melbourne Auditorium 625 E Hibiscus Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901
Hours: 1730-2300 (Crew to pick up unit at 1730 and be in place at event by 1830)
Crew: 1 Paramedic/1 EMT (or PM) (Dedicated)

Event: Round 13 Live Boxing Palm Bay
Event Location:
Tony Rosa Bay Community Center,
1502 Port Malabar Road, Port Malabar NE, Palm Bay, FL 32901
Date:  August 10, 2019
Time: 1600 – 0030 (Crew to pick up unit at 1600 and be in place at event by 1700)
Approximate Number of Patrons: 250
Crew: 1 Rescue, 1 PM/1EMT (or PM) (Dedicated)
BCFR is going to start drawing blood samples prehospital for Stroke Alert & STEMI Alert Patients effective August 5, 2019.
Hospitals that ARE currently participating:
PMC – Stroke & STEMI
RRMC – Stroke & STEMI
MRMC – Stroke & STEMI
HRMC – Stroke only
Hospitals that are NOT currently participating:
Starting September 23, 2019 when coming to FRC for the Blue Card training, we will be decontaminating all units using the AeroClave.

If you have any questions or have something you would like shared, please contact Mark Weiss by phone at 321-633-2056, 321-266-5334 or by email at Mark.Weiss@brevardfl.gov
EMS Statistics
From 7/12/2019–7/18/2019, BCFREMS responded to:
Trauma Calls-222
Medical Calls-805
Motor Vehicle Crashes-124
ALS Transports-544
BLS Transports-364
Total Responses-1,391
911 Calls to Dispatch- 2,214
PulsePoint CPR Alerts- 3
Mobile Integrated Health Activities-5

We Want to Hear from You

Please let us know if you:
        Have a question that can benefit the department
        Have an interesting case to share
        Want to recognize someone for providing excellent customer service
        Just want to share some information that’s coming to your area

If you have any questions about the above topics, please refer them to the EMS Office (FR_EMSQandA@brevardcounty.us) and we will provide an answer for you.
Email your questions/comments to FR_EMSQandA
For more updates on what’s happening in EMS, visit BCFR EMS Twitter Site @BCFREMS, FaceBook Page, or YouTube Videos
Promoting a Culture of EMS:
Ensure mutual respect and kindness when engaging with stakeholders
Meet and exceed stakeholder expectations
Support a “Culture of Quality”
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