On Wednesday July 24th, Chief Orlando Dominguez attended the ET3 (Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport) Discussion at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel in Orlando. The BCFR Office of EMS was one of only 8 organizations that were invited to attend. Of those 5 were private and 4 (including BCFR) were public/fire based. The organizations were from New York State, California, Michigan, and Florida, plus AMR. Chief Dominguez is pictured here with Dr. Michael Levy, the EMS Medical Director for the Anchorage Fire Department and the State of Alaska. Dr. Levy orchestrated the meeting where they discussed the ET3 Model and expenditures and preserve or enhance quality of care by:
*Providing person-centered care, such that beneficiaries receive the appropriate level of care delivered safely at the right time and place while having greater control of their healthcare through the availability of more options
*Encouraging appropriate utilization of services to meet health care needs effectively.
*Increasing efficiency in the EMS system to more readily respond to and focus on high-acuity cases, such as heart attacks and strokes.