EMS FYI July 26, 2019

July 26, 2019
All information falls under the latest revision for the EMS Protocols: 11-15-2018

On Wednesday July 24th, Chief Orlando Dominguez attended the ET3 (Emergency Triage, Treat, and Transport) Discussion at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel in Orlando. The BCFR Office of EMS was one of only 8 organizations that were invited to attend. Of those 5 were private and 4 (including BCFR) were public/fire based. The organizations were from New York State, California, Michigan, and Florida, plus AMR. Chief Dominguez is pictured here with Dr. Michael Levy, the EMS Medical Director for the Anchorage Fire Department and the State of Alaska. Dr. Levy orchestrated the meeting where they discussed the ET3 Model and expenditures and preserve or enhance quality of care by:

*Providing person-centered care, such that beneficiaries receive the appropriate level of care delivered safely at the right time and place while having greater control of their healthcare through the availability of more options

*Encouraging appropriate utilization of services to meet health care needs effectively.

*Increasing efficiency in the EMS system to more readily respond to and focus on high-acuity cases, such as heart attacks and strokes.

Today, July 26th was the AirTraq Video Intubation System training at Stations 82 & 41. FM Chris Chadwick and Dr. McPherson were there with the AirTraq Rep to assist with the training. Please don’t forget to fill out the evaluation form that was emailed out if you use the camera, we want your feedback and input! If you have any questions you can contact FM Chris Chadwick. 

Congratulations to our new Assistant Chief of Operations – Pat Voltaire and new Lieutenants – Justin Serrecchia and Jason Millar. Chief Voltaire’s daughter surprised everyone with a song she wrote herself and she gave us permission to share it J

“Brevard Fire, that’s our name!
Making our rounds all over town putting out all flames.
Everyone thinks they have what they got,
But BCFR….they are the best of the lot.
Brevard Fire, that’s our name!
When they have a bad call a mile or two down the road,
BCFR is there to get it back under control.
They train hard, workout, and study the route, it’s a family Without a doubt.
Brevard Fire, that’s our name!”

Written and performed by Gabrielle Voltaire, Age 10

The Office of EMS is still monitoring data from the new tone being used for Cardiac Arrests where CPR is in process. We hope to share some positive feedback with the field in the near future!

Sterling Highlights

Autovent 3000 Assembly and Use (watch the video below)

Event: Tour de Turtles (Sea Turtle Release)

Date: Sunday, July 28, 2019

Event Location: Barrier Island Sanctuary, 8385 S. Highway A1A, Melbourne Beach, Florida 32951

Hours: 0630-0930

Crew: Non-Dedicated (E65)

If you are interested in working either of the upcoming OT special events below please contact staffing to reserve your spot.
Event: WWE NXT Wrestling
Date: Friday, August 2, 2019
Event Location:
Melbourne Auditorium 625 E Hibiscus Blvd, Melbourne, FL 32901
Hours: 1730-2300 (Crew to pick up unit at 1730 and be in place at event by 1830)
Crew: 1 Paramedic/1 EMT (or PM) (Dedicated)

Event: Round 13 Live Boxing Palm Bay
Event Location:
Tony Rosa Bay Community Center,
1502 Port Malabar Road, Port Malabar NE, Palm Bay, FL 32901
Date:  August 10, 2019
Time: 1600 – 0030 (Crew to pick up unit at 1600 and be in place at event by 1700)
Approximate Number of Patrons: 250
Crew: 1 Rescue, 1 PM/1EMT (or PM) (Dedicated)
BCFR is going to start drawing blood samples prehospital for Stroke Alert & STEMI Alert Patients effective August 5, 2019.
Hospitals that ARE currently participating:
PMC – Stroke & STEMI
RRMC – Stroke & STEMI
MRMC – Stroke & STEMI
HRMC – Stroke only
Hospitals that are NOT currently participating:
This is just a friendly reminder to not only clean and decon the vehicles everyday but to also clean and decon around the station.
This is a good article written in FireRescue 1 magazine about keeping sickness down around the fire station.
If you have any questions or have something you would like shared, please contact Mark Weiss by phone at 321-633-2056, 321-266-5334 or by email at Mark.Weiss@brevardfl.gov
EMS Statistics
From 7/19/2019–7/25/2019, BCFREMS responded to:

Trauma Calls-252
Medical Calls-708
Motor Vehicle Crashes-147
ALS Transports-511
BLS Transports-392
Total Responses-1,404
911 Calls to Dispatch- 2,283
PulsePoint CPR Alerts- 2
Mobile Integrated Health Activities-5

We Want to Hear from You

Please let us know if you:
        Have a question that can benefit the department
        Have an interesting case to share
        Want to recognize someone for providing excellent customer service
        Just want to share some information that’s coming to your area

If you have any questions about the above topics, please refer them to the EMS Office (FR_EMSQandA@brevardcounty.us) and we will provide an answer for you.
Email your questions/comments to FR_EMSQandA
For more updates on what’s happening in EMS, visit BCFR EMS Twitter Site @BCFREMS, FaceBook Page, or YouTube Videos
Promoting a Culture of EMS:
Ensure mutual respect and kindness when engaging with stakeholders
Meet and exceed stakeholder expectations
Support a “Culture of Quality”
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